RAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ hehehe
First of all, Selamat Hari Raya To all my Family of course..mum,dad, my one n only SIS who is soooo Generous which is give me duit raye..hehe tocei2 along!!! n my brother abg zaki who also give me DUIT and PRESENT..haha~~~ syukran2 ;) ..atok,my aunt,my uncle,cusin2 who i love most n not forget to all my friends who send me such a cute n touching message..thanks guys!!~
Well speaking about RAYA...best oooooo..!!~ yg paling best is when the time u got colorful ang pau with colorful amount hahaha..sangat syiok la!!~~ n the TRULY best part jugak biler someone give u ang pau n u make such a jerk face to your sis who already work 10 month before raye...wah...FANTASTIC!!~ hahaha along i leb u haha!!taun depan up lagi ek duit raye..haha
So kawan2 mari la kite kumpul duit raye sementara xkeje lagi...muehehe~~
Raya kalu xde ketupat,lemang,rendang,kuah kacang mmg xlengkap!!xmeriah..n yg penting kuih raye plus bahulu home made yang atok buat..sedap giler..bahulu cermai..nyum2.....mase nih la macam2 kuih tercipta untukmu haha~~ like me,who has JHOWO blood, SAMBAL GORENG memang takkan miss..it's like a tradition to all the Jawarls to eat sambal goreng bile raye..u might think that the sambal goreng is like sambal merah tuh di goreng kan..hahaha tidak same sekali..haha sambal goreng tuh camni..
tapi gambar nih amek kt tenet cz xsempat nak amek gambo yg tgh masak..maklumlah kami tetibe kene gelor family siput(sampai malam sblum raye(sampai plg lambat kat kg)) from my cusin najiah..haha hampehnyer cusin!!~~ najiah, no adiah besday hahaha
Before we go to the mouse for semayang raya, all peeps kat umah atok mule la bukak kounter nombor giliran tok mandi..ayor yang kecik macam idop segan mati taknak pun kami redah je janji dapat basah n sabun badan..tak tau la plak klu ader yang wat ala2 cite P.Ramlee tu takat lepas buang taik mate je..haha yg org2 tua, n kami2 yang mude nih ader choice la nak mandi kat toilet dalam or luar tapi tok budak2 kecik or yg mane pasan kecik, kat luar ngan paip panjang jadi pilihan..nway, seronok tau walaupun masing2 macam pelarian ngan mate kuyu n towel kat kepale hahah~~
Lepas semayang raye, macam biase, ktorg yg agak2 burughk lantak nih g umah D.O kat2 ngan mesjid cz D.O mmg tiap2 raye dier ader wat makan2..haha nyum2~~ pastuh balik umah je trus masing2 beratur tok upacara salam bersalaman n mengulur n mengambil duit raye..haha yg uloq tuh yg kesian..yg terime senyum jerk..haha!!~~ dah abis salam2 ape lagi begambo la hahaha..as usual, when there's SLR in the hand, suddenly, trus kene hire as a Professional Photographer without any payment hahaha~~ ikhlas2 jgn wisau..hahaha sume family la begambo best..
To see all the Pictures,i'll upload all of it after i finish doing the editing section so,my friends n my relative who want to see all the pic, don't worry i'll update it ASAP n do drop by to see the updates from me ya!!~~
time raye nih yg xkeje lagi leh la belagak kaye..yg dah keje tuh...tngu belan depat nti jadi kaye balik(gaji dah masuk) hahahaha
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