I just finished my conversation with a friend... beside someone that i use to rely on..now i know that i have another one.... he such a good adviser... and i learn a lots from him..... he told me the consequence of everything....the bads and the goods.... he told me how friendship can ends just by a simple action...... and i admit that he is totally right.... THANKS BUDDY!~
I was crying while having a conversation with him... i don't know why...but i learn the truth about how hard life it is....how hard to forget something which i know i can't get it rid from my head...but i know...he will guide me..not to forget about it...but to walk in the right path, to be me just like i am, and to becomes a good FRIENDS eventho its hurts a lot....
I don't want to put some higher expectation on "HIM" ... because i know we still remains best friends until the end of our life....but seriously i really2 want to say that i LOVE u idiot!~ but two things may happened if i say it.. either i loose "HIM" or i am HAPPILY EVER AFTER.....
I know god already creates a special partner for me...it just the times is still not right for him to appear.... maybe GOD knows that i'm not ready if that guy is someone that i never ever dream of before...i just leave it to HIM....because HE knows the best for me.....but deep down in my heart i wish it was him..the one who catch my attention....
To my buddy who listen to my problem....i know i can count on you....thank you for letting your fingers entertain me..please guide me....pimpin i slow-slow k.... i really need u.... and thanks for everything!!~ i love u so much babe.... :)
My buddy and HIM ... this is the only words that makes me feel strong every time i feel down....
" Its hurts to love someone when we can't tell them what we really feel..because sometimes we get hurt without them knowing. We get jealous even we have no right to feel that way. We want their time even if we are not in the position to demand for it. Although our hearts are breaking in silence, we still continue to love them because somehow in this hurtful love there is still hope of having simple moments with them even if it means being just a FRIEND..."
acknowledged :)